It’s all good at Kokako.
With a café in the former Grey Lynn Post Office and a well-known local, Troy Mentor now running it, Kokako Coffee continues to grow its ethically caffeinated empire.
The reinvented space is light and bright, with private corners for meetings and bigger tables for socialising. Troy runs a tight crew, as you’d expect from an ex-Dizengoffer. The staff are always up for a chat when they drop water to you your table, and they’ll be happy to take your order while they’re there to save you standing at the counter. The food’s fresh, healthy – and large – with a number of take home meal options available. And the other huge bonus of the new location? The parking! There’s loads of it; none of that slow crawling along Ponsonby Road to get your caffeine hit. So, kick-back and relax, knowing all the while the coffee you’re sipping is supporting hard working Papua New Guinean coffee farmers.